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Southeast Hobbies specializes in weathering and DCC installs! Contact us for details.

We Buy Train Collections

We Buy Trains!
Southeast Hobbies specializes in purchasing HO and N Scale train collections. If a life event has you thinking about selling your trains, we can assist you on reducing your collection.

  1. We will first need to assess the collection to determine the price we can offer for your trains. Starting with pictures of the collection will assist us with the process and then an inventory list (we can provide an Excel template) to determine the quantity of the collection is next. If you have a large collection, we can also visit to assist in collecting the information.
  2. A fair offer is then made that considers the current market value and what we would need to do (repairs, cleaning, taking pictures, etc.) to get the trains ready for individual sale to model railroaders.
  3. We will either pick up the collection ourselves or arrange shipping to Southeast Hobbies.
